From top level of what the customer was seeing: computer stuck in a start up loop. The computer starts up, go past BIOS, had a black screen and restarts again. This is a complicated problem and requires creativity.
The key is to disable the automatic start up repair, this could be using Command Prompt since you can’t login to Windows anymore
- Go to Windows Recovery Environment as normal
- Start up Command Prompt
- Go to the drives eg “d:”
- Type in “bcdedit /set {identifier} recoveryenabled No” within command prompt. Details about the reason to disable automatic repair can be viewed in Ten Forum.
A problem showed up as the follow
To solve the above problem:
- Download SymELAM.sys, the website works
- Use USB to transfer the downloaded file
- Use Command Prompt to copy and paste files
- Once the Restart
If you need further support about software computer repairs, then feel free to contact us.