How to fix: SymELAM.sys Missing Windows 10


From top level of what the customer was seeing: computer stuck in a start up loop. The computer starts up, go past BIOS, had a black screen and restarts again. This is a complicated problem and requires creativity.


The key is to disable the automatic start up repair, this could be using Command Prompt since you can’t login to Windows anymore

  1. Go to Windows Recovery Environment as normal
  2. Start up Command Prompt
  3. Go to the drives eg “d:”
  4. Type in “bcdedit /set {identifier} recoveryenabled No” within command prompt. Details about the reason to disable automatic repair can be viewed in Ten Forum.

A problem showed up as the follow


To solve the above problem:

  1. Download SymELAM.sys, the website works
  2. Use USB to transfer the downloaded file
  3. Use Command Prompt to copy and paste files
  4. Once the Restart

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